Art Deco design is a timeless style that has been popular since the 1920s. This design style is characterised by bold geometric shapes, metallic accents, and a combination of modern and traditional elements. If you are looking to incorporate Art Deco design into your home, one way to do so is by using wall panels, wall moulding, paint, and interior hardware.
Wall Panels

Elaborate patterns and textures are often showcased in Art Deco designs. To add depth and texture to your walls, wall panels are an excellent option. Art Deco-inspired wall panels come in various forms, including those with intricate patterns or geometric shapes. Our collection of wall panel designs offers a wide range of choices that would perfectly complement an Art Deco-style home. For example, Wall Panels No. 120 - Shaker, Wall Panel No. 212 - Valley Loop, and Wall Panel No. 110 - Hills are all excellent options. These panels can be used as a decorative accent or to cover an entire wall.

Wall Moulding

Adding Art Deco-inspired patterns and texture to your walls can also be achieved through wall moulding. Using moulding in geometric shapes or patterns, like chevrons or diamonds, is an excellent idea. Wall moulding can be used to create a decorative border around a room or as an accent on a single wall. There are several wall moulding profiles that would be perfect for an Art Deco-inspired decor, including Wall Moulding - No. 9020, Wall Moulding/Coving - No. 190 (U-Shaped), and Wall Moulding - No. 8020.

Incorporating Art Deco design into your home can be easily and affordably achieved through the use of paint. Opt for bold colours like black, gold, or silver to create a dramatic effect, or use contrasting colours to create a striking visual impact. For instance, a black and white colour scheme is a classic Art Deco design choice. Our selection of metallic paints, green tones, red tones, and bold shades offers a fantastic range of options to help you create the perfect Art Deco design.  
Interior Hardware

Metallic accents, like chrome or brass, are often seen in Art Deco design. Interior hardware, including doorknobs, door levers, and drawer pulls, presents an excellent opportunity to add metallic accents to your home. When selecting hardware, search for pieces that showcase clean lines and geometric shapes, such as square or circular knobs.  

Incorporating Art Deco design into your home can be a fun and exciting project. By using wall panels, wall moulding, paint, and interior hardware, you can create a beautiful and timeless space that reflects the bold and glamorous style of the Art Deco era.
May 03, 2023 — LL Company Marketing

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